July 3, 2012-7:40pm
There could be a lot of factors as to why people change. Yet, we do not have the right to judge them because they had changed. If you want the older them then SEE the older them within themselves. You cannot force them to be who they were.
There could be a lot of factors of how they changed. Maybe it's because of their family, friends, environment, school, and the list goes on. But one thing's for sure. If they changed, then be who you are. Show them that changing is not a solution, not even an option to solve a problem. Show them that changing is not an excuse if they're being a popular kid. Show them that changing is unnecessary if you consider yourself brave and strong.
But if they changed for the better, be happy for them. But if they changed for the worse, tell them-if you consider yourself a good friend and a comforter to that person. You see, a friend is always there for better or worse, for richer and for poorer and till betrayal breaks you apart BUT reconciliation(and forgiveness) bonds you again.
I myself, for my fifteen years living and approximately, 5 years of being an adolescent, seen myself change to this and change to that. But guess what, I still came back to the old me. I don't know how I did it but I thank my past self for being brave to face the changes that I have to undergo. And I always believed in myself that I could be a better person in my future and be a great friend to everybody.
Remember, change for the BETTER.
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