A Passionate Love

July 2, 2012-10:03pm

Tonight, when my father arrived from work, he told us that there was a kitten hit-and-run. Remember the kittens from this post? I was kind of shocked because I have to stay, the kittens had stayed at our lawn for a few days and I played with them using a yarn, but I didn't have a direct contact with them, considering the fact that they are stray kittens. Anyway, my father just got two tissues and got the kitten using it's small paw. I didn't actually went closer to the "crime scene" because I know that someway, somehow, it would break my heart, watching a small kitten thrown in the narrow canal with a loud thud and splash of dirty water.

So after a few hours of that incident, I heard a cat meow-ing. I think it's the dead kitten's mom and she's looking for her. Her cries were so dreadful, like who would not be dread-y to find out that your kid is missing? And that it's nowhere to be found (and to the fact that it was thrown in a canal?).

Well, the kitten is worthy that I will dedicate this post to it and to every dead animal in the world-by means of unnatural death, like hit-and-run, skinned to death, and so on and so forth. Every creature in this world has the right to live and be loved. Just like the kitten and her mother. The kitten deserves to be loved by her mom and so is everybody else in this world, not only by their mom but also to every people around him/her.

The kittens-there were 4 of them-that I had seen before was like this one, but thinner and they have a little bit orange furs.

I have lost a lot of kittens, so I think this is post is dedicated to every kitten that I had taken cared of.

(NO future of being a veterinarian.)

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