November 5, 2012-8:42
Last November 2, my papa and I went to the old airport to have my driving lessons, with him as my teacher. :)
So when we got there, there are two other cars which are also practicing. I got a little conscious, LIKE DUH-who wouldn't? Hahaha, anyway, my papa refreshed me with the things that he already taught me before, we actually have some sessions sometimes when we go to my lola's subdivision because there is a spot there where almost nobody pass by. We chose that place to avoid accidents. So, my papa told me that we will change seats and we will first focus on my forward and backward driving.
I did what my papa told me. I am just grateful that I could still remember the things that he taught me before, even though the engine shut down a couple of times. Mehee
So, yea I think I'm getting better with my driving. :) and will be the best one day.
Ask for directions!
Undas 2012
November 4, 2012-12:46pm
Please bear with me if I just posted today. It's because for the past 4 days, we had a series of family gatherings. ANYWAY, let me get things started. Allow me to tell you something about how I spent my Undas through pictures. :)
You know, Halloween is just one of a kind holiday. You don't have to go trick-or-treating wearing some scary or slutty costumes just for the sake to experience the real essence of Halloween. I think it's the beginning of a solemn celebration. Kumbaga, isang bisperas lamang ang Halloween. It's just a preparation for the All Saint's and All Soul's Day.
Last November 1, we attended a Mass at Saint Jude Thaddeus. During the homily, the priest explained why the all soul's and all saint's day are celebrated differently where in fact, they're all souls already. According to him, the two feasts are celebrated differently because of one reason. One important reason, the saints lived their life in loving Jesus ultimately. Though many among us love Jesus but the saints sacrificed even their one and only life just to proclaim the goodness of our Lord. He said that there are numerous saints in Heaven, not only the ones who are canonized here on earth-the ones who we are familiar with.
After the Mass, we visited our lolo(mama's papa) at his grave near the church. But even though it's just near, we arrived there 30 minutes after because of traffic. People are walking in different directions. Some are coming in the cemetery and some are going out. So when we arrived at our lolo's grave, me, my sis and one of our cousins, went outside and we had a little food trip with the food outside the cemetery. So when we went back to my lolo, we said some prayers and then we went to my lola's house.
We had dinner at their house together with my slim cousins(to think that all five of us fit in the back seat of our car. Haha). While eating dinner, we were laughing so hard, just having our good old 3D conversations.
By my experience I could say that if you really want to feel the essence of those holidays, take time to reflect and pray to those poor souls in the purgatory. It's just once a year, and they badly needed our prayer. So if all of us will shower with prayers the souls in the purgatory, I am rest assured that they may see the face of God in no time. And if you haven't offered a prayer to them, it's not too late yet.
Pray that they may see God.
Please bear with me if I just posted today. It's because for the past 4 days, we had a series of family gatherings. ANYWAY, let me get things started. Allow me to tell you something about how I spent my Undas through pictures. :)
Made this pizza for my sister and me. Overloading cheese toppings. :)
My mom's durian shake. So delicious, I should say.
Lego Ferrari car from Shell. Dad bought home the pieces and I assembled them together, looks cute eh? But one piece is missing.
The scene at Davao Memorial Park in Matina. There are tents eveywheeere. Some people stayed overnight to spend sometime with their beloved dead.
My lolo's grave at the cemetery. My uncle place these barbecue sticks around his grave so people won't step on it. Meheee
The moon last October 31 and I daresay, it looks so creepy. It may not seem so good compared when you see it personally. Blame it all to my phone's low camera quality.
We lit some candles at Redemptorist last November 2, for all the souls in the purgatory and also for our beloved dead.
Last November 1, we attended a Mass at Saint Jude Thaddeus. During the homily, the priest explained why the all soul's and all saint's day are celebrated differently where in fact, they're all souls already. According to him, the two feasts are celebrated differently because of one reason. One important reason, the saints lived their life in loving Jesus ultimately. Though many among us love Jesus but the saints sacrificed even their one and only life just to proclaim the goodness of our Lord. He said that there are numerous saints in Heaven, not only the ones who are canonized here on earth-the ones who we are familiar with.
After the Mass, we visited our lolo(mama's papa) at his grave near the church. But even though it's just near, we arrived there 30 minutes after because of traffic. People are walking in different directions. Some are coming in the cemetery and some are going out. So when we arrived at our lolo's grave, me, my sis and one of our cousins, went outside and we had a little food trip with the food outside the cemetery. So when we went back to my lolo, we said some prayers and then we went to my lola's house.
We had dinner at their house together with my slim cousins(to think that all five of us fit in the back seat of our car. Haha). While eating dinner, we were laughing so hard, just having our good old 3D conversations.
By my experience I could say that if you really want to feel the essence of those holidays, take time to reflect and pray to those poor souls in the purgatory. It's just once a year, and they badly needed our prayer. So if all of us will shower with prayers the souls in the purgatory, I am rest assured that they may see the face of God in no time. And if you haven't offered a prayer to them, it's not too late yet.
Pray that they may see God.
Trimming my hair
October 30, 2012-1:58pm
Two weeks ago, I was planning to go to a parlor and cut my hair. I was so thrilled with the thought that I could finally-FINALLY-cut my hair, after a year (or more). So yes, I was telling my sister about what hairstyle I want to have and while I'm sharing it to her, she was like: No, if you'll cut your hair, I will cut head., and I was like, WHOA-hahaha, she likes my hair more than I do.
Neways, she was making some hairbands* while we were talking and she told me to try one. So I borrowed one and I put in on my head, and guess what-IT LOOKS SO PERFECT WITH LOOOOONG HAIR. Then that started my decision make over.
Now I am not sure if i should cut my hair BIG TIME. But anyways, I started trimming my hair and guess what, I got addicted in trimming my hair. Well yes, by that, I think I may not go to the parlor and just do my own hair instead. You know if my hair would not turn out right, I got no one to blame but myself. Mehee
So yea, two days ago, I started trimming my hair. And I got some very impressive results. Though you may not see the difference on your first look but with further scrutiny you would be able to see some changes. :D
Now I have my initial conclusion, I will not cut my hair but I will wait for college for that BIG TIME hairdo I'm waiting to have. So for now, I will just experiment some hair styles for this long hair of mine. ;)
*these are the hairbands my sister are making. There are I think 53 hairbands already.
Two weeks ago, I was planning to go to a parlor and cut my hair. I was so thrilled with the thought that I could finally-FINALLY-cut my hair, after a year (or more). So yes, I was telling my sister about what hairstyle I want to have and while I'm sharing it to her, she was like: No, if you'll cut your hair, I will cut head., and I was like, WHOA-hahaha, she likes my hair more than I do.
Neways, she was making some hairbands* while we were talking and she told me to try one. So I borrowed one and I put in on my head, and guess what-IT LOOKS SO PERFECT WITH LOOOOONG HAIR. Then that started my decision make over.
Now I am not sure if i should cut my hair BIG TIME. But anyways, I started trimming my hair and guess what, I got addicted in trimming my hair. Well yes, by that, I think I may not go to the parlor and just do my own hair instead. You know if my hair would not turn out right, I got no one to blame but myself. Mehee
So yea, two days ago, I started trimming my hair. And I got some very impressive results. Though you may not see the difference on your first look but with further scrutiny you would be able to see some changes. :D
Now I have my initial conclusion, I will not cut my hair but I will wait for college for that BIG TIME hairdo I'm waiting to have. So for now, I will just experiment some hair styles for this long hair of mine. ;)
*these are the hairbands my sister are making. There are I think 53 hairbands already.
To learn more about her hairbands, check our her blog :D
Be a blessing.
Needs Improvement
October 29, 2012-12:48pm
Last night, I watched the Halloween Special of Kapamilya Channel. All of them went to bed ahead of me so I was alone watching that show. Neways, I went to bed past 1 then I saw it.
There, near the phone of my sister is our greatest, mortal enemy-the cockroach. The first thing I said upon seeing that creature was "Te! May cockroach oh!" Then with just a flick of a finger, my sister shot up from her sleep. HA! I knew it, when it comes to cockroaches, my sister alwaaays have that eekie feeling around them. She doesn't want to go near a cockroach 1 meter circumference (nerd alert). So I am the one who must be brave in facing that creature.
What I did was I got an alcohol and a sprayer. I detached the head of the sprayer and of the alcohol and I swapped their heads. So I made myself an ultra mega super duper effective alcohol gun. The making of that alcohol gun was the beginning of a 20 minute battle with that creature. Good thing it didn't evolved on it's butterfly mode.
After using alcohol, Baygon and, of course, my skillfs (hee hee), we went to bed. When we were lying, we talked bout random stuffs. Then my sister asked me what does she need to improve from her attitudes and what does she need to change. So I proceeded to tell her the things that I think that she should change. After saying all of those stuffs, I asked her, "Me, what should I change about me?" Then she said the following things:
1. Dinner. Every night, my mama and papa alwaaays calls us to have our dinner together, though me and sister are the ones who prepared the table. It's because after I set the table, I go back to my room and finish the things that I was doing before they called out my name. So my papa will call me and I always respond with "Wait laaang!". So yea, I think that's one thing that I should change.
2. Stop complaining. I think napapansin na ni ate na mas namamadalas na ang aking pagrereklamo tungkol sa mga bagay na kailangan kong tapusin. She said "You must be grateful with the opportunities that you have now. See God in everything that you do. Wag sige reklamo." And yes, I think I should do what my sister told me. :))
3. Start an intimate relationship with God. See? I have my own spiritual director always with me. :)) Hee hee. I told her that I was having some problems with my relationship with God lately. I shared to her every little conflict that I have within myself. She told me that she experienced the same before and because of that she understands my situation right now. So, maybe, I guess, starting an intimate relationship with my God will help me become more comfortable with Him and that my conflicts would be lessen.
And yes, I think those are the aspects of my life that I need to improve in the eyes of my sister. I would be asking the grace of God to help me improve though, I can't do it alone. Changing and adjusting your attitudes is not an easy job.
I think I would end it right here, I have to catch up with my friends now, we'll be bowling later.
Be happy, stay in His Grace.
Last night, I watched the Halloween Special of Kapamilya Channel. All of them went to bed ahead of me so I was alone watching that show. Neways, I went to bed past 1 then I saw it.
There, near the phone of my sister is our greatest, mortal enemy-the cockroach. The first thing I said upon seeing that creature was "Te! May cockroach oh!" Then with just a flick of a finger, my sister shot up from her sleep. HA! I knew it, when it comes to cockroaches, my sister alwaaays have that eekie feeling around them. She doesn't want to go near a cockroach 1 meter circumference (nerd alert). So I am the one who must be brave in facing that creature.
What I did was I got an alcohol and a sprayer. I detached the head of the sprayer and of the alcohol and I swapped their heads. So I made myself an ultra mega super duper effective alcohol gun. The making of that alcohol gun was the beginning of a 20 minute battle with that creature. Good thing it didn't evolved on it's butterfly mode.
After using alcohol, Baygon and, of course, my skillfs (hee hee), we went to bed. When we were lying, we talked bout random stuffs. Then my sister asked me what does she need to improve from her attitudes and what does she need to change. So I proceeded to tell her the things that I think that she should change. After saying all of those stuffs, I asked her, "Me, what should I change about me?" Then she said the following things:
1. Dinner. Every night, my mama and papa alwaaays calls us to have our dinner together, though me and sister are the ones who prepared the table. It's because after I set the table, I go back to my room and finish the things that I was doing before they called out my name. So my papa will call me and I always respond with "Wait laaang!". So yea, I think that's one thing that I should change.
2. Stop complaining. I think napapansin na ni ate na mas namamadalas na ang aking pagrereklamo tungkol sa mga bagay na kailangan kong tapusin. She said "You must be grateful with the opportunities that you have now. See God in everything that you do. Wag sige reklamo." And yes, I think I should do what my sister told me. :))
3. Start an intimate relationship with God. See? I have my own spiritual director always with me. :)) Hee hee. I told her that I was having some problems with my relationship with God lately. I shared to her every little conflict that I have within myself. She told me that she experienced the same before and because of that she understands my situation right now. So, maybe, I guess, starting an intimate relationship with my God will help me become more comfortable with Him and that my conflicts would be lessen.
And yes, I think those are the aspects of my life that I need to improve in the eyes of my sister. I would be asking the grace of God to help me improve though, I can't do it alone. Changing and adjusting your attitudes is not an easy job.
I think I would end it right here, I have to catch up with my friends now, we'll be bowling later.
Be happy, stay in His Grace.
Rainy days
October 28, 2012-1:29pm
We're currently experiencing a series of rainfall here in Davao. During our break. During our week long break. During our SHORT break. Can you just imagine how pissed we are right now? Because we can't go outside as much as we wanted to just because the rain comes by unexpectedly?
But what good would it bring if we will only talk about the perks of it, right?
So now, whether we like it or not, we have to deal with this season: THE RAINY SEASON. Here are some things that I did, so far, while I'm stuck here in our cute bungalow. :3
1. Yearbook. Before our break officially began, our moderators for the yearbook gave us some tasks to make ourselves occupied during this break. (See even the teachers doesn't want us to enjoy our break-haha.) So I kept telling myself "before November begins, I should be finished with my job." to keep myself motivated with my stuff. And I'm happy to inform you that two days ago, I started scribbling an x on my checklist-phew. :D It's an achievement for me though-for a kid who is nearly forced to do stuff that she doesn't like to do.
2. Room general cleaning. Days ago, mama told us that we couldn't stay in our aunt's house if we will not clean our room. So yea, my sis and I did this already, just yesterday. "Hakot there, hakot here, hakot everywhere. Floor wax here, floor wax there, floor wax everywhere. Trapo here, trapo there, trapo everywhere," was our slogan for yesterday. The good thing was, we had our dinner at my papa's cousin's residence. It was the 18th birthday of his son, or should I say, the 18th birthday of our second cousin. So yea, when we evaporated from their house, I am so bloated. Weee.
3. New playlist. This is one thing that I should have done WEEKS ago. But due to my sched, I wasn't able to do so, and this is the right time to do this. Anyway, I asked some great music from my close friend and she recommended me this song, Sunflower Song. It's a very cute and relaxing one. It's always on repeat whenever I tend to listen to it. And alongside with the wonderful music is a painting going, making it a hundred times more adorable.
So I think I should end my post here, and start doing some other things that needs to be done before November starts. ;)) Till next post!
Here's a sunflower to keep you smiling. :))
Photo from the internet. I don't own it.
May God bless you abundantly.
A Tribute to our Local Mall.
October 26, 2012-2:57pm
The title might have shocked you and the entry might shock you more.
What is this mall I'm talking about?
THIS mall is no other than (drum roll please), Victoria Plaza. Guys, no joke, I'm making this post for Victoria Plaza. It's a local mall here in Davao. It's kinda old-no, it's really old.
To think na yun ang PINAKASIKAT na mall nung pinanganak ako. Tapos may fountain pa yun dun dati, pero dahil sa isang problemang hindi ko alam, tinanggal nila ang fountain, tsktsk.
Even though I cannot remember much about the times that we loiter in that mall (well maybe except the times na nawala ako dun), the pictures reminded me of them.
Ok, ganito kasi yun, may carousel dun sa loob ng mall tapos lahat kaming magkakapatid, may kanya kanyang picture dun. Even some of the friends I know, they have a picture of that carousel.
Then last October 20, we went there and my mom and sissy went in Bench and I was stuck outside since I was eating my fries. So the carousel caught me eye, the children riding that carousel with their moms/dads/grannies have the biggest grin ever.
I immediately remember the picture that I have on that carousel. I wish I could be a kid and have the same feeling that I have every time that I ride one.
But now, honestly speaking, that mall is like nothing compared to the other malls we have now. But hey, the memories that we have there couldn't be erased.
So here are some pics of the carousel that I am talking about.
The title might have shocked you and the entry might shock you more.
What is this mall I'm talking about?
THIS mall is no other than (drum roll please), Victoria Plaza. Guys, no joke, I'm making this post for Victoria Plaza. It's a local mall here in Davao. It's kinda old-no, it's really old.
To think na yun ang PINAKASIKAT na mall nung pinanganak ako. Tapos may fountain pa yun dun dati, pero dahil sa isang problemang hindi ko alam, tinanggal nila ang fountain, tsktsk.
Even though I cannot remember much about the times that we loiter in that mall (well maybe except the times na nawala ako dun), the pictures reminded me of them.
Ok, ganito kasi yun, may carousel dun sa loob ng mall tapos lahat kaming magkakapatid, may kanya kanyang picture dun. Even some of the friends I know, they have a picture of that carousel.
Then last October 20, we went there and my mom and sissy went in Bench and I was stuck outside since I was eating my fries. So the carousel caught me eye, the children riding that carousel with their moms/dads/grannies have the biggest grin ever.
I immediately remember the picture that I have on that carousel. I wish I could be a kid and have the same feeling that I have every time that I ride one.
But now, honestly speaking, that mall is like nothing compared to the other malls we have now. But hey, the memories that we have there couldn't be erased.
So here are some pics of the carousel that I am talking about.
I wanna be a kid agaaaaain. Mehee
Yearbook staff.
October 24, 2012-5:33 pm
What a gloomy day it is. Ang sarap matulog. But here I am, doing the yearbook for our batch. You JUST have to sacrifice SO.MANY. for the sake of the success of the yearbook.
Actually, as I said before that if you're having fun in making something, you won't notice that you had spent a couple of hours on that, well I just wish that I would have the same mindset when I will be working for our yearbook.
So a couple of hours ago, I joined a marathon and you know what is my competitor? TIME. We were dismissed at almost 12 and we have a meeting at 1 pm. And for the fact that my "visual aid" needs some more information regarding the paging of the yearbook, I have to go home. I just have to. So I ran here and there just to get in time. And guess what, I arrived back at the CSSA office at EXACTLY ONE PI-EM. What a MAJOR relief.
So we started our meeting and I discussed to them the paging of the yearbook. Though it was just a temporary one, we decided to start on it immediately since we have a breather coming, you know to keep us busy during that time and that we will be able to keep up with the deadlines.
Well now, HOW AM I? I don't know exactly. Hahaha. Katulgon na kaayo ko pero kailangan pa nako magstudy. And to think na PHYSICS and MAPEH ang subjects ugma. As if dali kaayo, dili bya. Hahaha.
So yea, I guess I'll be occupied during this breather of ours.
To be or not to be.
What a gloomy day it is. Ang sarap matulog. But here I am, doing the yearbook for our batch. You JUST have to sacrifice SO.MANY. for the sake of the success of the yearbook.
Actually, as I said before that if you're having fun in making something, you won't notice that you had spent a couple of hours on that, well I just wish that I would have the same mindset when I will be working for our yearbook.
So a couple of hours ago, I joined a marathon and you know what is my competitor? TIME. We were dismissed at almost 12 and we have a meeting at 1 pm. And for the fact that my "visual aid" needs some more information regarding the paging of the yearbook, I have to go home. I just have to. So I ran here and there just to get in time. And guess what, I arrived back at the CSSA office at EXACTLY ONE PI-EM. What a MAJOR relief.
So we started our meeting and I discussed to them the paging of the yearbook. Though it was just a temporary one, we decided to start on it immediately since we have a breather coming, you know to keep us busy during that time and that we will be able to keep up with the deadlines.
Well now, HOW AM I? I don't know exactly. Hahaha. Katulgon na kaayo ko pero kailangan pa nako magstudy. And to think na PHYSICS and MAPEH ang subjects ugma. As if dali kaayo, dili bya. Hahaha.
So yea, I guess I'll be occupied during this breather of ours.
To be or not to be.
October 17, 2012-8:02 pm
Last October 3, 4 and 5, we had our Retreat. Our greatest, most amazing, bonding experience-yet-with our class. But, let's make this clear, this might be short because we had a Vow of Secrecy, which means, we are not allowed to say ANYTHING about our retreat. But I will not go through it detail by detail because that will break my vow, alright?
So on the morning of our retreat, that was Wednesday, October 3, I had my lunch with Denice, Shane, Camille and Mico at McDo Damosa. It was kind of a bonding experience before we get in the retreat house. Though there are only 5 of us. So we went to school in different groups since Mico and Camille has to do something for their project in Aral Pan. Den, Shane and I came to school like there was a GREAT commotion in our classroom, palancas here, there and EVERYWHERE, in different colors, sizes and shapes. Hahaha, I could still remember the scenario of our room that day
We were so busy, but yes, we're having fun.\
When we were on our trip going to our retreat house, and until we reached the retreat house, we were reading the palancas given to us. Those palancas were so over whelming, I tell you.
So when we have our meals and snacks (which is 5 times a day). The food are always SOO GREAT, but you know what, since I'm allergic to chicken, I always have a fish dish, hahahha. Anywaaays, everything about the retreat was so fun. Ito lang ang pwede kong masabi sa inyo, wala nang iba. :)
After the retreat and our surprise to Sir Miedes, we went to gmall and have our dinner there. Nilibre kami ng aming classmate, and we were just kidding when we said na magpapalibre kami, pero glibire ni talaga kami, ka buotan nga bata. Hahahah, ikaw na CG. Tapos I think we stayed there at McDo GMall for almost 1 hour and 30 minutes-laughing and reminiscing almost every detail of our retreat, with our BIG luggage. Then after our dinner, we had our picture taking. Mehee, here are some (or maybe all) the pics from the pictorial. :D
Last October 3, 4 and 5, we had our Retreat. Our greatest, most amazing, bonding experience-yet-with our class. But, let's make this clear, this might be short because we had a Vow of Secrecy, which means, we are not allowed to say ANYTHING about our retreat. But I will not go through it detail by detail because that will break my vow, alright?
So on the morning of our retreat, that was Wednesday, October 3, I had my lunch with Denice, Shane, Camille and Mico at McDo Damosa. It was kind of a bonding experience before we get in the retreat house. Though there are only 5 of us. So we went to school in different groups since Mico and Camille has to do something for their project in Aral Pan. Den, Shane and I came to school like there was a GREAT commotion in our classroom, palancas here, there and EVERYWHERE, in different colors, sizes and shapes. Hahaha, I could still remember the scenario of our room that day
We were so busy, but yes, we're having fun.\
When we were on our trip going to our retreat house, and until we reached the retreat house, we were reading the palancas given to us. Those palancas were so over whelming, I tell you.
So when we have our meals and snacks (which is 5 times a day). The food are always SOO GREAT, but you know what, since I'm allergic to chicken, I always have a fish dish, hahahha. Anywaaays, everything about the retreat was so fun. Ito lang ang pwede kong masabi sa inyo, wala nang iba. :)
After the retreat and our surprise to Sir Miedes, we went to gmall and have our dinner there. Nilibre kami ng aming classmate, and we were just kidding when we said na magpapalibre kami, pero glibire ni talaga kami, ka buotan nga bata. Hahahah, ikaw na CG. Tapos I think we stayed there at McDo GMall for almost 1 hour and 30 minutes-laughing and reminiscing almost every detail of our retreat, with our BIG luggage. Then after our dinner, we had our picture taking. Mehee, here are some (or maybe all) the pics from the pictorial. :D
So that's it guys. Alam kong bitiiiiiiin sya masyado, but I have to stick to my vow. :))
Value your life.
It's been a month.
October 17, 2012-6:09 pm
So yea, it's been a month since I haven't posted here. It was because our laffy was on a technical medication, in other words, it got repaired-yay! :)) Anyways, there had been so many things that had happened to me since the last time that I posted here. So let me get down on it one by one, or as far as I could remember.
August-I started my duty as the Editor-In-Chief of the Immaculate 2013-the official yearbook of our school. And guess what, it's one of the most stressful things that I had encountered. I have to run here and there just to get to do something at the right time. But anyways, it was kind of fun-you know you get to meet new people like our two photographers. :) They're so randooom I tell you.
September-Start of it was still like August, you know, yearbook stuff. And then I was requested to make the certificates of the Math, Science and Makabayan Fair, that means I have to stay in the faculty room to make it since the results are confidential. I remember it clearly when I was there in the corner cubicle, making the certificates and over hearing the conversations of the teachers. What's funny is that they are calling each other in some kind of nicknames. It was one-of-a-kind days. Though it's not that significant. Mehee
October-The beginning of this month was so Spirit-filled. First we had a Healing of the Family Tree. Then last October 3, 4 and 5, we had our class retreat, and my ghaaaaaaaaad-more details later. heheee, it was AH NO, more details later. ;) Then on the fifth, that was the teacher's day, and we haven't got the chance to greet our last year adviser because we focused on surprising our adviser this year. And she's still mad at us until now. Anyway, it was such a great experience to us, as a class.
So I guess you're keeping up with my blog right now. So I shall move on and keep updated for my post about our retreat. ;)
Keep Smiling.
So yea, it's been a month since I haven't posted here. It was because our laffy was on a technical medication, in other words, it got repaired-yay! :)) Anyways, there had been so many things that had happened to me since the last time that I posted here. So let me get down on it one by one, or as far as I could remember.
August-I started my duty as the Editor-In-Chief of the Immaculate 2013-the official yearbook of our school. And guess what, it's one of the most stressful things that I had encountered. I have to run here and there just to get to do something at the right time. But anyways, it was kind of fun-you know you get to meet new people like our two photographers. :) They're so randooom I tell you.
September-Start of it was still like August, you know, yearbook stuff. And then I was requested to make the certificates of the Math, Science and Makabayan Fair, that means I have to stay in the faculty room to make it since the results are confidential. I remember it clearly when I was there in the corner cubicle, making the certificates and over hearing the conversations of the teachers. What's funny is that they are calling each other in some kind of nicknames. It was one-of-a-kind days. Though it's not that significant. Mehee
October-The beginning of this month was so Spirit-filled. First we had a Healing of the Family Tree. Then last October 3, 4 and 5, we had our class retreat, and my ghaaaaaaaaad-more details later. heheee, it was AH NO, more details later. ;) Then on the fifth, that was the teacher's day, and we haven't got the chance to greet our last year adviser because we focused on surprising our adviser this year. And she's still mad at us until now. Anyway, it was such a great experience to us, as a class.
So I guess you're keeping up with my blog right now. So I shall move on and keep updated for my post about our retreat. ;)
Keep Smiling.
Blazer and heels
August 15, 2012-8:41 pm
Today was the last day of exams-and goodness gracious, thank heavens, it was easy. I mean EASIER than the other subjects. Anwaaay, after the exams, we hanged out for about an hour in our classroom, then we took our lunch at Jollibee (Bida ang Saya). Then we went to Camille's crib.
When we arrived there, it took us a while to get inside because their dog, Cookie, was untied, so we waited for her lil'bro to tie her up. When we were inside, we took some rest at their sala then we went into their room. We did a little nail art-which I realized, na wala jud koy future with regards sa cutics, hahahaha. I was so pathetic, well anyway, newbie pa man din ako, so like marami pa akong acetone na uubusin. Hihi, then later on we decided na mag picture-picture nalang kami, and they dared me to have "bangs", for this day lng. hahahaha it was so funny kasi they were really eager to show me how to have bangs without cutting your hair. So after almost four hours of hanging out at Camille's we decided to go home.
I was so bored and to think that I am home alone at that moment, I thought of some ultra mega random stuffs. Then one realization hit me-"I should TRY having a fashion blog." Weird right? But anyway, since wala naman din akong magawa at that moment, I gave it a try.
So here are some pics that I got from that uhh-TRYING HARD fashion themed pictorial. Tss.
PS: Hindi pa talaga ako masyado magaling dito kasi bago pa lang ako. So please, whatever happens in my blog, STAYS in my blog. :> Trying hard ko but bear with me, bored lang.
Today was the last day of exams-and goodness gracious, thank heavens, it was easy. I mean EASIER than the other subjects. Anwaaay, after the exams, we hanged out for about an hour in our classroom, then we took our lunch at Jollibee (Bida ang Saya). Then we went to Camille's crib.
When we arrived there, it took us a while to get inside because their dog, Cookie, was untied, so we waited for her lil'bro to tie her up. When we were inside, we took some rest at their sala then we went into their room. We did a little nail art-which I realized, na wala jud koy future with regards sa cutics, hahahaha. I was so pathetic, well anyway, newbie pa man din ako, so like marami pa akong acetone na uubusin. Hihi, then later on we decided na mag picture-picture nalang kami, and they dared me to have "bangs", for this day lng. hahahaha it was so funny kasi they were really eager to show me how to have bangs without cutting your hair. So after almost four hours of hanging out at Camille's we decided to go home.
I was so bored and to think that I am home alone at that moment, I thought of some ultra mega random stuffs. Then one realization hit me-"I should TRY having a fashion blog." Weird right? But anyway, since wala naman din akong magawa at that moment, I gave it a try.
So here are some pics that I got from that uhh-TRYING HARD fashion themed pictorial. Tss.
PS: Hindi pa talaga ako masyado magaling dito kasi bago pa lang ako. So please, whatever happens in my blog, STAYS in my blog. :> Trying hard ko but bear with me, bored lang.
When you style, be you.
My Bucket list
August 12, 2012-12:08pm
Last August 9 and 10, we watched a movie at school entitled, The Bucket list, starred by Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. For those of you who do not know the plot, here's the link.
What is a Bucket List?
It's simply a list. A list of what you wanted to do or to have before you die. Just like the movie, they are two terminally ill men who only got months to live and they wanted to fulfill what is in their bucket list. But for my case, I won't wait for those short months before I die. I will start making my own bucket list and will slowly fulfill each one.
So here I go...
My Bucket List
1. Be a DTTB (Doctor to the Barrio).
2. Visit the whole Philippines.
3. Travel the world.
4. Own a Mexican Restaurant.
5. Be a young speaker.
6. Own a car.
7. Own a big house.
8. Live with a partner that I will love forever.
9. Have 3-5 children.
10. Own a flower shop.
11. Have a big garden.
12. Talk in front of a large crowd. (done already. Here's what I mean. MDA)
So I guess, jan nagtatapos ang unang siglo ng aking Bucket List. Bakit unang siglo? There may be more to come and baka mai tatanggalin ako. So I think I should fly away from this computer and start my way to these long term goals of mine. :)
Stop hoping, start believing.
Last August 9 and 10, we watched a movie at school entitled, The Bucket list, starred by Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. For those of you who do not know the plot, here's the link.
What is a Bucket List?
It's simply a list. A list of what you wanted to do or to have before you die. Just like the movie, they are two terminally ill men who only got months to live and they wanted to fulfill what is in their bucket list. But for my case, I won't wait for those short months before I die. I will start making my own bucket list and will slowly fulfill each one.
So here I go...
My Bucket List
1. Be a DTTB (Doctor to the Barrio).
2. Visit the whole Philippines.
3. Travel the world.
4. Own a Mexican Restaurant.
5. Be a young speaker.
6. Own a car.
7. Own a big house.
8. Live with a partner that I will love forever.
9. Have 3-5 children.
10. Own a flower shop.
11. Have a big garden.
12. Talk in front of a large crowd. (done already. Here's what I mean. MDA)
So I guess, jan nagtatapos ang unang siglo ng aking Bucket List. Bakit unang siglo? There may be more to come and baka mai tatanggalin ako. So I think I should fly away from this computer and start my way to these long term goals of mine. :)
Stop hoping, start believing.
How am I?
August 5, 2012-11:07am
Pressured. Hungry. And worst of all, depressed. I don't know where to put myself right now. In what state I would fit comfortably. As you could observe, it's been a long time since I had my last post because I am too busy doing things. Too busy to entertain even the smallest of my concerns.
I am seriously not in the mood to talk about all these things right now. I am pressured at school even at home. But anyway, since I missed a lot of days to post here, I'll be giving you an overview about THE days.
Heavenly Father, please-please, take over me...
Pressured. Hungry. And worst of all, depressed. I don't know where to put myself right now. In what state I would fit comfortably. As you could observe, it's been a long time since I had my last post because I am too busy doing things. Too busy to entertain even the smallest of my concerns.
I am seriously not in the mood to talk about all these things right now. I am pressured at school even at home. But anyway, since I missed a lot of days to post here, I'll be giving you an overview about THE days.
This was taken during our seminar last July 28-29, 2012. It was also our 16th anniversary.
Together with our trainer.
This is a dinuguan or vampire soup. Taken last July 14. It was the death anniversary of Hazel's grandfather.
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These two photos was taken last July 28, in Bangkerohan Market. These are from the ukay-ukay. |

I now have some weekly dates with my classmates. We just eat randomly outside whenever we want to and if we also have some money. (Regards sa malaking braso.)
Cooked-or baked-this last July 31. Pizza with an overloading toppings of hot dog and cheese.
Heavenly Father, please-please, take over me...
July 21, 2012-9:38pm
Today, we had a Deepening Talk with Bro. Jing Mendoza. He's one of the speakers that I admire most because of how he walked his talks. He was with our community for almost 28 years already-imagine, TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS! That'
Anyway, one of the topics that totally left a mark on me was when he talked about courage. I just realized that there are a lot of ways to show your courage. Could it be when you're afraid but you have to do it or when you're nervous. But there's this courage that he stressed out-the courage to resist temptations. Though he didn't really say it in these exact words, but that's how I interpret it.
In this generation, temptations are everywhere. Many from my generation already have kids. Some are into vices. But if you have that courage to stay on the greater good, the you'll be able to say no to these things-to these temptations. It's just courage.
Here's some of my notes about courage:
"The courage to say no to your anger and emotions." "It takes courage to be patient, to forgive." "It requires the power which created the universe to give your all-Courage."
Be courageous...
Today, we had a Deepening Talk with Bro. Jing Mendoza. He's one of the speakers that I admire most because of how he walked his talks. He was with our community for almost 28 years already-imagine, TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS! That'
Anyway, one of the topics that totally left a mark on me was when he talked about courage. I just realized that there are a lot of ways to show your courage. Could it be when you're afraid but you have to do it or when you're nervous. But there's this courage that he stressed out-the courage to resist temptations. Though he didn't really say it in these exact words, but that's how I interpret it.
In this generation, temptations are everywhere. Many from my generation already have kids. Some are into vices. But if you have that courage to stay on the greater good, the you'll be able to say no to these things-to these temptations. It's just courage.
Here's some of my notes about courage:
"The courage to say no to your anger and emotions." "It takes courage to be patient, to forgive." "It requires the power which created the universe to give your all-Courage."
Be courageous...
Ukay-Ukay 101
July 15, 2012-4:47pm
Yesterday, me and my sister went to Uyanguren. At 8:00 in the evening. I am soo ultra mega super duper excited that time because I so happy to finally-FINALLY have my own ukay. But having my own ukay is no joke. Dapat mag warm-up ka kasi grabe and pagdadaanan mong hukay-hukay bago mo makita ang isang magandang damit. They should not call it ukay-ukay, dapat hukay-hukay.
Alam mo yung feeling na pagod ka na pero gusto mo pang maghanap kasi marami kang nakitang magandang damit. It's really amazing as to how many you will buy from your 100 pesos bill. Though hindi talaga 100 pesos ang nagasto ko. Bumili kasi ako ng bag which costs me a hundred and thirty pesos. Tapos maganda pa talaga ang design. Parang 300 pesos bag siya sa mall.
But you have to take in consideration na MADUMI ang ukay. Kailangan mong ibabad sa mainit na tubig o kahit man lang sa tubig na mai sabon para malinis sya. Tapos ipa-arawan mo para sure-sure patay anggerms na nasa damit/bag/shoes.
So here are the pictures of the clothes na nabili ko. I didn't have enough time to take a pic of the bag kasi it's now in the labhanan.
PS: Sinuot ko sya kahit na alam ko na madumi kasi na SUPER EXCITE ako, pero nag wash naman din ako ng over-over pagkatapos. :))
The cheaper, the better...
Yesterday, me and my sister went to Uyanguren. At 8:00 in the evening. I am soo ultra mega super duper excited that time because I so happy to finally-FINALLY have my own ukay. But having my own ukay is no joke. Dapat mag warm-up ka kasi grabe and pagdadaanan mong hukay-hukay bago mo makita ang isang magandang damit. They should not call it ukay-ukay, dapat hukay-hukay.
Alam mo yung feeling na pagod ka na pero gusto mo pang maghanap kasi marami kang nakitang magandang damit. It's really amazing as to how many you will buy from your 100 pesos bill. Though hindi talaga 100 pesos ang nagasto ko. Bumili kasi ako ng bag which costs me a hundred and thirty pesos. Tapos maganda pa talaga ang design. Parang 300 pesos bag siya sa mall.
But you have to take in consideration na MADUMI ang ukay. Kailangan mong ibabad sa mainit na tubig o kahit man lang sa tubig na mai sabon para malinis sya. Tapos ipa-arawan mo para sure-sure patay ang
So here are the pictures of the clothes na nabili ko. I didn't have enough time to take a pic of the bag kasi it's now in the labhanan.
PS: Sinuot ko sya kahit na alam ko na madumi kasi na SUPER EXCITE ako, pero nag wash naman din ako ng over-over pagkatapos. :))
The cheaper, the better...
Reminiscing grade school
July 12, 2012-9:56pm
Today, I went to the classroom of our EPSC President, but unfortunately, he wasn't there. But my best friend 4 years ago, when we were fifth and sixth graders, called me and wanted to talk to me. I was kind of surprised because she noticed me. I hesitated because I thought I might do something important in our classroom. But actually, a part of me wanted. She gestured that I will go to her, I hesitated but I still went. When I slid to her side, I embraced her arm. I was so surprised that I missed her a lot.
We talked about the things that we used to do together. Her dogs, which were kind of a part of our friendship. I didn't want to finish the lunch time. I don't want to hear the bell ring. I want to spend some time with her-my best friend. Even though we've been away for 4 years, she's the closest friend to me that I could almost call my sister. We stay on the phone for hours. To the point that we talked about the American Idol while we're watching it.
I miss her a lot. <3
Bai dela Cerna, I miss you, so much. Ikaw pud Krixia Love Lopez. Sayang wala ka kanina.. tsk. :)) :*
Treasure your friends...
Today, I went to the classroom of our EPSC President, but unfortunately, he wasn't there. But my best friend 4 years ago, when we were fifth and sixth graders, called me and wanted to talk to me. I was kind of surprised because she noticed me. I hesitated because I thought I might do something important in our classroom. But actually, a part of me wanted. She gestured that I will go to her, I hesitated but I still went. When I slid to her side, I embraced her arm. I was so surprised that I missed her a lot.
We talked about the things that we used to do together. Her dogs, which were kind of a part of our friendship. I didn't want to finish the lunch time. I don't want to hear the bell ring. I want to spend some time with her-my best friend. Even though we've been away for 4 years, she's the closest friend to me that I could almost call my sister. We stay on the phone for hours. To the point that we talked about the American Idol while we're watching it.
I miss her a lot. <3
Bai dela Cerna, I miss you, so much. Ikaw pud Krixia Love Lopez. Sayang wala ka kanina.. tsk. :)) :*
Treasure your friends...
Being an officer
July 11, 2012-9:09pm
Being an officer is hard. Harsh. And I don't know-I just can't figure out the right words for it. You will experience A LOT of tensions, chaos, misunderstandings and so.lot.more. Most especially if you're thepresident. You will really be put to test. You'll never know what's in store for you. But you have to be prepared. For everything.
You have to make yourself strong. You have to be open-minded.
As much as possible, don't make someone feel bad while you are an officer. Once you have something which is negative, redo it and change it for the better. Do the right thing always and be the voice of your classmates. That's one of the things why they appoint some officers, not just to discipline and facilitate the class but to be the their voice as well. Be flexible for their opinions and suggestions.
There are times that you will be near to your breakdown point, but you have to overcome it-it's for the sake of the class. Don't show them that you're weak. They appointed you because they believe in your strong personality that you could lead them well. It's all about being a young leader in a small community. Yet, you have to prove that even if you're a young one, even if you only belong to that small community, you have the capability to be strong and be a leader.
But remember, you have to put your leadership in the right place and right time.
You're the brain of your community.
Being an officer is hard. Harsh. And I don't know-I just can't figure out the right words for it. You will experience A LOT of tensions, chaos, misunderstandings and so.lot.more. Most especially if you're the
You have to make yourself strong. You have to be open-minded.
As much as possible, don't make someone feel bad while you are an officer. Once you have something which is negative, redo it and change it for the better. Do the right thing always and be the voice of your classmates. That's one of the things why they appoint some officers, not just to discipline and facilitate the class but to be the their voice as well. Be flexible for their opinions and suggestions.
There are times that you will be near to your breakdown point, but you have to overcome it-it's for the sake of the class. Don't show them that you're weak. They appointed you because they believe in your strong personality that you could lead them well. It's all about being a young leader in a small community. Yet, you have to prove that even if you're a young one, even if you only belong to that small community, you have the capability to be strong and be a leader.
But remember, you have to put your leadership in the right place and right time.
You're the brain of your community.
July 10, 2012-8:13pm
"Everyone of us has a potential to be a doctor, an engineer or even to be the president of the Philippines." I quote one of my CLVEd teacher, Sir Payot. This sentence has left a mark in my head because I was planning to say that in my speech in the Miting De Avance, but I don't know why I haven't said it. But anyway, I reflected upon that sentence for a while and I realize that that sentence is somewhat, a hundred percent true.
You have the potential to be the one who you thought you will never be, but I tell you, if you believe that you could be that, then you can! Be the person that you're dreaming for. Be the person that you're wishing for. And be the person you want to be. You just have to discover and develop that potential. It's never too late to start discovering yourself. Because I know, that once you discover who you are, then probably, you'll never let go of whoever you thought you are. Just believe in yourself and be that person.
Stop hoping, start believing...
"Everyone of us has a potential to be a doctor, an engineer or even to be the president of the Philippines." I quote one of my CLVEd teacher, Sir Payot. This sentence has left a mark in my head because I was planning to say that in my speech in the Miting De Avance, but I don't know why I haven't said it. But anyway, I reflected upon that sentence for a while and I realize that that sentence is somewhat, a hundred percent true.
You have the potential to be the one who you thought you will never be, but I tell you, if you believe that you could be that, then you can! Be the person that you're dreaming for. Be the person that you're wishing for. And be the person you want to be. You just have to discover and develop that potential. It's never too late to start discovering yourself. Because I know, that once you discover who you are, then probably, you'll never let go of whoever you thought you are. Just believe in yourself and be that person.
Stop hoping, start believing...
Blogger in a Sando
July 9, 2012-10:09pm
Just a while ago, I changed my blog name to "Blogger in a Sando" from "It's me. Anly" becasue I found it more appropriate since most of the time that I am composing an entry here, I am wearing my sando. Ang babaw right? Pero I was so inspired man gud with the "Preacher in Blue Jeans" (you should really watch their vids, veeery inspiring), kaya I changed it to this new name.
But don't you worry, I am still the same. And-I forgot to say-please bear with me if meron akong mga grammar mishaps, I'm not a grammar Nazi okay? But anyways, watch out for more interesting posts. I am planning some but I just forgot to jot it down in a notebook or even to a piece of paper because there are so many ideas which are coming at once.
I am also taking into consideration being a food blogger, since I really really love food and I am really interested with exotic dishes. And maybe a travel blogger, because I want to travel anywhere. But the problem is, I am still studying-therefore, I can't travel that much. But who knows? There are always the odds. We'll never knooow.
So, I guess I should stop at this point (before I say some more nonsense).
Keep Smiling...
Just a while ago, I changed my blog name to "Blogger in a Sando" from "It's me. Anly" becasue I found it more appropriate since most of the time that I am composing an entry here, I am wearing my sando. Ang babaw right? Pero I was so inspired man gud with the "Preacher in Blue Jeans" (you should really watch their vids, veeery inspiring), kaya I changed it to this new name.
But don't you worry, I am still the same. And-I forgot to say-please bear with me if meron akong mga grammar mishaps, I'm not a grammar Nazi okay? But anyways, watch out for more interesting posts. I am planning some but I just forgot to jot it down in a notebook or even to a piece of paper because there are so many ideas which are coming at once.
I am also taking into consideration being a food blogger, since I really really love food and I am really interested with exotic dishes. And maybe a travel blogger, because I want to travel anywhere. But the problem is, I am still studying-therefore, I can't travel that much. But who knows? There are always the odds. We'll never knooow.
So, I guess I should stop at this point (before I say some more nonsense).
Keep Smiling...
July 8, 2012-3:49pm
Words are weapons-powerful
weapons. There are times when we can’t explain what we felt because of how
the words had affected us. It might be merely words but sometimes, it hurts us
like a million nails pierced into our hearts at once.
Sometimes, it’s difficult to decipher how they were able to
say those words against someone or somebody. It is because they are saying
their own opinion through their own viewpoint and perspective. Many among us
misunderstood what other people say and some of us would even come up to a make
believe conclusion, making the image of that person somewhat pessimistic
towards others.
But still, there is something that we can do about it.
Something that you should learn from within yourself. Here are some of my tips:
First, don’t be
affected by what other people say about you. You know who you are.
Second, take all
the comments and reactions against you as a compliment. Have the negative
comments as compliments that they are asking more from you. And have the
positive comments as compliments that you could still do better than what you
had done.
Third, don’t be
insecure. You know what, as far as I know, many people are changing because of
what they heard from rumours about themselves. Rumours which are brought out by
Let me just leave you a reminder: Be careful what you say
because you’ll never know how much it would affect a person.
My sweet (and sickened) Sixteenth
July 7, 8:05am
My birthday is on July 6, and I didn’t made any posts on
that day because I’m-sad to say-sick.
I woke up with headache, fever and colds. I really want to go to school because
there’s something important I have to do (aside from my birthday). I told my
sister that I have fever and she placed her hands on my neck and she said that
I do have fever, I was happy because I may not go to school but sad because I
have to do something and it’s my freaking birthday.
Now there’s only one solution in my head-go to mama and
check if I really do have fever. So I went over to her and said that I have
fever. She did the same with my sister and she said that I DO NOT have fever.
This is weird because I really felt some hot sensation (lol) within and outside
my body. But I stayed strong just for the sake that I won’t feel any of my
sickness at that moment. So I ate some breakfast and went to school. But
actually the only reason that pushed me out of our front door going to school
is because it’s my birthday.
When I was going up to my classroom, everything was like a typical day for me, no greetings yet.
Then I reached my classroom and one of my classmate was: Happy Birthday
Anallie! So I just said, thank you, because I’m not really in the mood to say
much. Then all of a sudden they broke into a song and sang the Happy Birthday
song to me with the guitar. Repeat this part 7 times in that day. So how did
they sang to me for seven times? 1-3. Was in the morning. 4. Was during lunch(the
Legionnaires went up to my classroom and sang the HB song to me-then my
classmates joined in.). 5. When Sir Miedes went to our classroom to check us.*
6. During Math period.* 7. During MAPEH Period.*
I guess that’s the reason why I could still say that I had a
sweet sixteen. Just don’t mind the
sip-on that is dripping out of my nose. Thanks to my classmates. Though I got
mad at them for the MAJORITY of the day, I think it’s because I was having a
fever and I really want to say sorry to them. L
*My classmates are saying the same thing to our teachers, for
the sake that they could sing the song and that they could convince them
(teachers) that they haven’t sang the song to me, some of the reasons was:
1.Miss, hindi pa kami nakakanta sa kanya miss, mka guilty!! 2. *me-answering on
the board* classmate: wala na, gtubag na sa Birthday Girl. Teacher: Ah-birthday
nia ngaun? Classmate: Opo sir, tapos hindi pa kmi nka kanta sa kanya...
But anyway, thanks to them they sang that song many times on
that day, because if they haven’t, maybe I would be stuck to my grumpy mood all
day long.
Turning Sixteen
July 5, 2012-8:43pm
I am still fifteen. But I'm turning 16 in a few hours. I want to treasure these moments that I'm still fifteen. But how? I just spent some time reading a book, and I'm not feeling well, I have runny nose just this afternoon. Gee, maybe I should start my sixteenth year of how to be more healthy and fit.
Anywaaay, I have to say, my classmates ARE WAY MORE excited than me. They started greeting me last Tuesday-I don't know why. Ha-ha, maybe they're expecting that I will have a big blast for them tomorrow because I am theirclass president. But no, I want to celebrate for them but I guess my mother won't allow me to. I kept on telling her that my classmates are excited for my birthday, but she's like "Huh?". With or without any celebration, I'll gonna have my birthday tomorrow-like duh, it's my birthday! Hehe.
Last Friday, I didn't know that my birthday is just around the corner. My even classmate reminded me that my birthday will be 'next week' already. So since that day, my classmates are like "Whoo Anallie, Happy Birthday!" and I'm like "Huy. katagal pa niyan uyyy". So yeah, thanks to them, I realized that from that moment, I could count the days of my fifteenth year in this planet.
Needless to say, I am now excited for my birthday (credits to my classmates).
But as I grow older (and hopefully, wiser) there are so much memories that will also grow within me. My memories of being a fifteen kid. As I end this phase of my life, I shall not bring with me the memories and fun that I had, but those important and amazing memories will be in my heart forever.
Ohh, three hours to go, and I'll be a sixteen year old lady.
I am still fifteen. But I'm turning 16 in a few hours. I want to treasure these moments that I'm still fifteen. But how? I just spent some time reading a book, and I'm not feeling well, I have runny nose just this afternoon. Gee, maybe I should start my sixteenth year of how to be more healthy and fit.
Anywaaay, I have to say, my classmates ARE WAY MORE excited than me. They started greeting me last Tuesday-I don't know why. Ha-ha, maybe they're expecting that I will have a big blast for them tomorrow because I am their
Last Friday, I didn't know that my birthday is just around the corner. My even classmate reminded me that my birthday will be 'next week' already. So since that day, my classmates are like "Whoo Anallie, Happy Birthday!" and I'm like "Huy. katagal pa niyan uyyy". So yeah, thanks to them, I realized that from that moment, I could count the days of my fifteenth year in this planet.
Needless to say, I am now excited for my birthday (credits to my classmates).
But as I grow older (and hopefully, wiser) there are so much memories that will also grow within me. My memories of being a fifteen kid. As I end this phase of my life, I shall not bring with me the memories and fun that I had, but those important and amazing memories will be in my heart forever.
This is me-before my check up last Saturday.
(Click on this to know what 'check-up' I'm saying.)
Summer of 2012, our reunion. :)))
This pic was taken AFTER the prom. After my 9 hours of sleep, with all the hairsprays.
My first prom on my 15th year.
During the prom. It was one of the greatest time of my life. :))
It made my 15th year more amazing and memorable.
An experience that I won't forget in my 15th year.
My Junior Year Classmates, with-of course- our cute adviser. :))
Again, my Jr Class (not complete). They made my 15th year somewhat unforgettable and worth remembering for.
And of course, the LEGION parteh-parteh. :)) Memories with them made my 15th year more amazing.
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